Welcome to the Ethereum Name Service DAO Newsletter.
New editions are published on the 1st and 15th of each month on the ENS DAO Forum, Substack, and Twitter. We encourage any feedback, questions, or comments!
If you would like to contribute to ENS DAO, please contact a Steward.
Steward Elections
Steward elections for the Second Term begin at 9am UTC on June 10 and will be open for 120 hours (five days). If you would like to nominate yourself, the Nomination Window opens at 9am UTC on June 6 and closes at 9am UTC on June 9. Incoming Stewards will take up their roles within Working Groups at 9am UTC on July 1.
For more on how elections work: Review How Steward Elections work.
Steward Election Dates:
June 6 : Nomination window opens
June 9 : Nomination window closes
June 10 : Steward election commences
June 15 : Steward election ends
July 1 : Term 2 starts
Current Q1/Q2 Stewards:
Meta-Governance: jmj.eth, @simona_pop james.eth, @nick.eth leontalbert.eth
ENS Ecosystem: ginge.eth, @slobo.eth @bobjiang , jefflau.eth
Community: limes.eth, @Coltron.eth, spencecoin.eth, validator.eth
Public Goods: sumedha.eth, ceresstation.eth, avsa.eth, @matoken.eth, ricmoo.eth
Working Group News
Alisha.eth has proposed amendments to Working Groups according to EP4. Review the Draft Proposal.
The proposed amendments are:
Amend rule 4.6 to change “March” to “April”.
Amend rule 4.6 to make the Funding Window last the whole month rather than the last 15 days of the month.
Add a new rule in rule 4.5 stating that each WG must appoint a lead steward.
Amend rule 4.1 to take the number of WG stewards in each WG down from five to three.
Remove the requirement for TNL stewards in WGs by removing rule 8.2 and amending rule 8.3.
Amend rule 9.1.2 to state that stewards can only be removed by a vote of the majority of elected stewards across all WGs.
Current Working Groups:
Meta-Governance: related to DAO governance and management
ENS Ecosystem: related to the continuing development and improvement of the ENS protocol and ecosystem, with a focus on all technical matters related to ENS
Community: related to the people and organisations that are users of ENS, with a focus on non-technical matters
Public Goods: related to the amplification of ENS as a Public Good and funding Public Goods within the ENS ecosystem and more broadly in web3
Dissolving the Community Working Group
Alisha.eth has also proposed to dissolve the Community Working Group
The rationale per Alisha.eth:
The distinction between the working groups will be more clear to both delegates and DAO contributors if the Community working group sits under the ENS Ecosystem working group. In that case:
MetaGov deals with matters related to the DAO and governance;
ENS Ecosystem deals with matters related to the ENS Protocol; and
Public Goods relates to supporting public goods within the ENS ecosystem and more broadly in web3.
You can review the Draft Proposal on the forum and join the discussion here.
Merch RFP
The Community WG have outlined a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an ENS DAO Merch store. Prepared by Coltron.eth, the winning bid of the RFP will establish an online portal that allows for the sale of officially branded ENS and ENS DAO merchandise for public purchase and global fulfillment. The “operator” will also be responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance of The Store and the various customer orders:
A template will be provided for applicants.
Submissions will be open for 14 days
A question period will open following the submission period.
Stewards will select a chosen applicant(s) to present to the DAO for a vote.
Work begins.
You can read more about the RFP here.
IRL Outreach
The ENS DAO is hosting a low-key mixer during @ETHGlobal's ETHNYC.
120 ENS DAO Branded shirts have been ordered ahead of ETHNYC
A POAP has been designed for ETHNYC; the winner was decided via a POAPathon.
Comunidad Para Hispanohablantes
@estmcmxci hosted the first ENS LatAm spaces on May 18th. Cordobes.eth & Nicolás (Futurx.eth) opened up to discuss ENS utility in their region (Argentina). Bi-weekly LatAm ENS Spaces are being planned.
As for the ENS LatAm workshop, Coltron.eth suggested to reference Makoto’s Speakerdeck and translate relevant content from ENG to ESP.
Reference: Makoto Inoue (@makoto_inoue) on Speaker Deck
In the matter of the Translation Subgroup, the Community Stewards are working with ENS Lead Developer Makoto to develop a backend solution for Language Localization at scale.
Lead Coordinator Eduardo Vega-Patiño, is setting up the DAO's coordination layer; currently testing @ZenHubHQ. He continues to run weekly onboarding calls (Friday @ 1:30PM EST).
ENS Avatar RFP
The ENS DAO is launching a project to include a generative PFP builder into the platform. The project’s goal will be to provide ENS users with a unique PFP with randomized traits, conceptually similar to modern NFT collections.
Users will have the ability to select this PFP generator as an alternative to manually populating the ENS record avatar field. The randomized avatar will be a derivative of the ENS name. Each ENS name will always resolve to the same single permutation of the avatar regardless of ownership transfers.
Editors note: We really like new member ColorUnit’s RFP submission. This RFP is currently OPEN.
Welcome TNL Executive Director: Khori Whittaker!
True Names is delighted to announce that Khori Whittaker will be joining TNL later this month as our new Executive Director. Khori's extensive experience with both non-profits + web3 will play a vital role in moving TNL forward, as we build ENS out for the next million users. Whittaker (@khoriwhittaker) began his career as a fifth-grade teacher in Long Beach, California, via the @TeachForAmerica program.
10K Club
Aaron Oxborrow of 10k Club soft launched the bulk registration tool at ENS Vision and noticed an uptick of new registrations while saving the users time and gas by setting all of the configurations at once-with bulk options.
IPFS Nodes for Pinning .eth Websites.
Gregskril.eth hosted a call for IPFS Nodes for Pinning .eth Websites:
“In our conversations, we realized that all of these services use Pinata’s API 2 to upload/pin files to IPFS. This works perfectly as an on-ramp, but feels like a loss for decentralization. Content on IPFS is only accessible for as long it is pinned, so relying on a single commercial service to be the sole pinner of all .eth websites is not ideal in the long term.”
You can review notes from the call here.
Code of Conduct (CoC)
The Code of Conduct (CoC) is now under the purview of the Meta-Governance Working Group. Meta-Governance Steward simona_pop will work together with the CoC's Lead Coordinator (@estmcmxci) to finalize the draft.
Lead Coordinator @inplco is forming an analytics subgroup of the Meta-Governance Working Group. The LC will coordinate w/ @showkarma_xyz to pull engagement data for Contributors, Stewards & Delegates from Discourse to generate the first ENS DAO Governance Report.
Minutes from the Subgroup’s first meeting are here.
Public Goods
Protocol Guild
The Public Goods Working Group is in favor of using up to 10% of unclaimed airdrop tokens to incentivize core @ethereum developers. More info can be found here.
Protocol Guild Draft has been gaining momentum. This is a proposal for the ENS DAO to support a vested split contract which directs funding to 110 Ethereum core protocol contributors over one year.
ENS sponsorship of the Guild allows members to engage with ENS in a way that is values and incentive aligned. Simultaneously, it will allow them to continue the important work of scaling our shared infrastructure and making it as resilient as possible for the applications that run on top of it.
ENS Small Grants
carlosdp.eth of Metaphor.xyz is proposing an ENS Small Grants Program. Outlined here, the ENS Small Grants Program aims to allow working groups to setup a low-friction way to ask the DAO for small/starter funding for Public Goods and/or ecosystem projects.
Top Tweets from The Community

Protocol Development
Work continues on ENS name resolution, name wrapper functionality, and several other contract updates for ENS.
Market News (05/16/22-05/27/22)
According to the Twitter account ENS Sales Bot, the top five .eth name sales (letters) of the past two weeks were:
dotswoosh.eth - 19.72 Ξ
notandrew.eth - 10.00 Ξ
gta.eth - 10.44 Ξ
why.eth - 8.22 Ξ
wax.eth - 8.00 Ξ
And the top five .eth name sales (numbers) were:
24⁄7.eth - 24.70 Ξ
868.eth -18.68 Ξ
143.eth - 14.30 Ξ
411.eth - 14.40 Ξ
616.eth - 14.00 Ξ
According to eth-leaderboard.eth, the top five Twitter accounts by followers remains the same as last time (as of May 15, 2022):
Fallon.eth (@jimmyfallon)
ParisHilton.eth (@ParisHilton)
TreySongz.eth (@TreySongz)
Davidsiwonchoi.eth (@siwonchoi)
jccaylen.eth ᵍᵐ (@jccaylen)
DAO Metrics (05/16/22-05/27/22):
Total revenue: 2.1M USD / 1.1k ETH
Total income: 1.2M USD / 604.9 ETH
Resource: Google Data Studios (Nick Johnson)
New registrations: 348k
Resource: Dune (Makoto)
DAO total treasury: $858M
DAO liquid treasury: $161M
Resource: Open-Orgs
How to Get Involved:
Follow the ENS DAO and ENS DAO Newsletter accounts on Twitter.
Join the Community Working Group Weekly Sync. ( Every Friday 12:00 PM EST)
Join our weekly onboarding call every Friday at 1:30 pm EST (6:30pm UTC) to learn about our DAO, governance process, $ENS Tokens, and current projects.
Consider nominating yourself to become a Steward of any Working Group during next term’s Nomination Window.
Subscribe to the ENS DAO’s Calendar to stay up to date on events and sync ups.
Join on our Discord to chat about ENS or speak to a moderator.
Visit our Governance Docs.
Security Tip
Never sign a crypto wallet transaction without being certain of what you are signing. Phishing is currently the most common method attackers are using to gain access to a victim’s wallet. If you don’t know what your wallet is asking you to agree to and why, close the window!